Town Wide Strategy
Burgess Hill Town Council is committed to taking a lead role in the future development of the town and its economy to make it an even better place in which to live, work and invest. Working with its partners – the local planning authority of Mid Sussex District Council, West Sussex County Council and other local organisations, the Town Council has been creating a vision for the town which inspires and can ultimately be delivered.
This has resulted in the production of a Town-Wide Strategy for the development of the town over 20 years. The strategy was subject to a consultation exercise and the majority of those responding were in favour of this approach.
Summary of Overall Comments
There is a great deal of affection for Burgess Hill and a desire to see it improve. Many referred to the town centre as dying and liked the fact that it would be improved. Many saw that improvement as the first stage of any regeneration supported by good public transport to get people to the shops. People living in surrounding towns and villages also wanted to use Burgess Hill more for shopping, leisure and employment and welcomed proposals for better parking, better public transport and a wider range of shops.
Mid Sussex District Council has included virtually all of the Burgess Hill Strategy in the District Plan. This can be found on the following link:
Click here to download the Strategy Report. Please note the Report is of a low resolution to make it accessible for all computers/devices. A high resolution pdf is available on request, please email