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Our Town, Our Earth, Our Future

With the help of The Welcome Back Fund, Burgess Hill Town Council has revitalised empty shops with a colourful display of environmental actions which will make a difference.
The non-PVC eco window covering adds colour to Burgess Hill town centre and can be seen in shop windows across the town.

Vinyl 1 – Mow less

Picture of a meadow

Mowing your lawn less saves you time, saves fossil fuels and makes a big difference to wildlife.
Create a mini jungle for minibeasts to wander and where birds can feed on the seeds.
Wildflowers can bloom and provide nectar.
Longer stems will create a sheltered microclimate.
Avoid using strimmers as they can injure hedgehogs, frogs and insect larvae.
More information can be found at

Vinyl 2 – Plant for pollinators

Picture of a bee

Grow plants that flower at different times through the year to provide a food source for pollinators.
Look for plants with open single flowers and avoid double or multi-petalled flowers, which are hard for insects to access.
Leave seed heads on plants through the winter to provide food and shelter for wildlife, standing stems can host insects, larvae and eggs.
More information can be found at 

Vinyl 3 – Plant more trees

Picture of a tree

Trees absorb carbon dioxide which would have stayed n the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas.
Every tree makes a difference!
You don’t have to have a garden to help – get involved with a tree planting event!
More information can be found at

Vinyl 4 – Buy locally sourced food

Picture of strawberries

Look out for food that is in season and grown locally, dramatically reducing the transport ‘cost’ to the environment.
More information can be found at

Vinyl 5 – Reduce your plastic use

Picture of plastic

Look out for plastic bag/packaging recycling at local supermarkets.
Try to buy your drinks in glass bottles.
More information can be found at 

Vinyl 6 – Carry a reusable bag

Picture of plastic

Reusable bags save buying plastic alternatives.
Make sure your reusable bag is made from renewable resources such as jute, cotton or bamboo.
More information can be found at

Vinyl 7 – Use public transport when you can

Picture of a train

Travelling on public transport uses less energy and reduces emissions than if the person had travelled by private vehicle.
More information can be found at


Vinyl 8 – Travel responsibly

Picture of an airplane

Walk or cycle if you can.
Many European destinations are accessible by train – avoid air travel if you can.
Think about holidaying in the UK.
More information can be found at 

Vinyl 9 – Recycle at home

Picture of recycling

Look out for products that have less packaging or invest in reusable containers.
Repurpose materials for other projects.
You could even start composting your garden waste.
More information can be found at    or

Vinyl 10 – Be wise with your electricity

Picture of electronics

Unplug devices that are not in use and unplug devices at home before you go on holiday.
Turn off lights you don’t need.
More information can be found at

Vinyl 11 – Save water in your kitchen

Picture of a sink

Take care to fill your kettle with only the amount you need.
Use the eco setting on your dishwasher and washing machine and only use both with a full load.
Using a washing up bowl reduces the volume of water you use.
More information can be found at

Vinyl 12 – Save water in your bathroom

Picture of water

Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth and have a shower rather than a bath.
Install a cistern displacement device (which are free from most water companies) and fix any dripping taps.
A dripping tap can waste 15 litres of water a day.
More information can be found at

Vinyl 13 – Save water in your garden

Picture of water

Stop using sprinklers – the lawn will recover the next time it rains.
Collect rainwater in a water butt which can be used to water your plants.
Use a mulch to reduce water evaporation (and improve your soil).
Think about drought resistant plants.
More information can be found at 

Further information can be found on Global Water Waste website

Vinyl 14 – Volunteer at local litter picks

Picture of litter

These could be locally in Burgess Hill or even at the beach.  You can make a huge difference!
More information can be found at

Vinyl 15 – Buy recyclable clothes

Picture of recyclable clothes

Synthetic fibres such as polyester can take up to 200 years to decompose and when washed, add microplastic fibres to our oceans.
Donate clothes to people who are in need.
More information can be found at

BHTC Environmental Charter